DJL offers a 24/7 Make Safe Service needed in emergency situations.
Insurance repairs we are contracted partners to QBE and various loss adjusting firms. We are also panel providers to QBCC. We undertake, repairs, rectification, subsidence works for these clients as well as a comprehensive reporting service. We offer prompt, reliable service.
Why has DJL Contacted You
If you have been contacted by us we have been requested to attend your property by either your insurer or an insurer appointed loss adjustor. We are to provide a prompt service to provide one or all of the following
Make safe, report, scope of works and quote for the repair of your property. Anyone who attends your property From DJL Building group will Identify themselves and also give a brief explanation of what the role is on site. We will ask a series of standard questions that will assist us in the preparation of our reports. DJL staff will not be able to confirm if your claim will be accepted we are on site to collect information to on behalf of your insurer.
My Insurance Claim Has Been Approved
After your insurer has approved DJL to undertake your repairs we will contact you and provide copies of the approved scope, building contract and an invoice for any excess to be paid. DJL staff can be contacted at any time to discuss any questions you may have in relation to the claim or documents you have been sent. Once excess has been collected and the contract has ben signed staff will contact you to schedule the repairs. We will then manage the repairs through to completion at which point you will be asked to confirm you are satisfied with the works completed.